Type "Püttmann 1"type Püttmann 1

This is the first design Thomas Püttmann from Bochum (Germany) sent me. Central element is the "old" FischerTechnik differential. No longer sold by the manufacturer, it can still be obtained second hand easily.

Note the clever use of the tiny "teeth" on the rubber tires instead of bevel gears. Wheel 7 is just an idler, and the wheel base depends purely on the ratio between wheel 11 and the differential "barrel" if built as shown in the building instructions.

As usual, the dimensioning equations:
(a:) rot3 + rot5 - 2 * rot4 = 0
(b:) n1 * rot1 + n2 * rot2 = 0
(c:) n6 * rot6 = n8 * rot8
(d:) n9 * rot9 + n10 * rot10 = 0
(e:) n4 * rot4 + n11 * rot11 = 0
 The remaining constraints:
(f:) rot8 = rot9
(g:) rot2 = rot3
(h:) rot6 = rot5
(g,b=>) rot3 =  - (n1 / n2) * rot1
(c,f,h=>) rot5 =  (n8 / n6) * (n10 / n9) * rot10
(e,a=>i:) rot11 = (n4 / n11) * (1/2) * ( (n1 / n2) * rot1 - (n8 / n6) * (n10 / n9) * rot10)
To make it "south-pointing" requires, that if rot1 is held 0, rot11 has to be exactly one turn when wheel 10 of diameter d10 covered one full circle (centre at wheel 1's contact to the ground, radius equal to track width t):
(j:) d10 * rot10 * PI = 2 * t * PI   d1 * rot1 * PI = 2 * t * PI
(k:) rot1 = 0 rot10 = 0
(l:) rot11 = -1 rot11 = 1
(i=>) rot10 = 2 * (n11 / n4) * (n6 / n8) * (n9 / n10) rot1 = 2 * (n11 / n4) * (n2 / n1)
(j=>) d10 = 2 * t / rot10 d1 = 2 * t / rot1
The same method can be applied to calculate the required size for wheel 1, see rightmost column of table above.

Given Parameters (Your choice !)

Size Description
n1[teeth] Bevel gear, integral to wheel 1
n2[teeth] Bevel gear, fixed to lower differential shaft
n4[teeth] Barrel gear of differential
n6[teeth] Spur gear, fixed to upper differential shaft
n8[teeth] Spur gear, Fixed to wheel 9
n9[teeth] Bevel gear, driven by wheel 10
n10[teeth] Bevel gear, integral to wheel 10
n11[teeth] Pointer gear
t = [length units] Track width

Derived Parameters

Size Description
d1[units of t] Road wheel, free running on axle
d10[units of t] Road wheel, free running on axle

© odts 2010